Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Obsession Waning

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Zoom Zoom

Monday, August 17, 2009
Remnant Memory

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Friday, July 31, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Chocolatey Goodness

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009
So Where Was This A Few Hours Ago?

No Photo Day
I just felt like writing today despite the fact that I have nothing in particular to write about. There is some craziness going on with my family today (which I will not write about here) so maybe that is why I feel like I need an outlet of some kind? Also, I do not feel like working (not that that is particular to *today* especially!). Too bad I couldn't wait for a picture that I felt was "safe" to write about. Maybe I will try again later if I still feel like writing.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009
A Fine Mess You've Gotten Us Into

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Ugly Duckling

Monday, June 29, 2009
Riding, Riding . . . La La La La La La

Friday, June 26, 2009
If The Sun Refused To Shine

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Out of the Clear Blue Sky

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

When I was single I would stay up really late for no reason. I lived by myself so I wasn't avoiding roommates. I think I enjoy being up late for the same reasons I love playing hooky. The day off you have when you ditch out school or work is so much more decadent and luscious than your regular weekend. Being up after midnight on a weeknight is the same - so illicit even if you are just curled up in old sweats watching an Entourage rerun.
Perhaps a night off from nights up tonight. I need to recharge my battery a bit. I'm making good progress on my knitting though . . . . I guess we will see.
Photo credit: A6U571N on Flickr
Monday, June 15, 2009
Green Dreams

I dream (well maybe that is a bit of hyperbole) of being able to garden. We bought our house two and a half years ago - and moved in right before the end of the year so it wasn't exactly gardening time. I was so looking forward to spring - getting out in the garden, moving things around, trimming trees and shrubs, even weeding. Then I found out I was pregnant so no heavy work for me. Then last year, I had this little baby who never napped. When was I supposed to find the time to garden. Okay - maybe this year? Well guess what - knocked up again! I am sure my neighbors hate us. The front yard is a hot mess. There is one tree limb that is so long is touches the ground. We have dead White Pines in the back yard - still with the stakes the tree wench* put in when they were planted over two years ago. The back yard is a mess - poor little boy can hardly go out to play back there. Between the dead stuff, the over grown trees, mulching debris along the perimeter of the yard, sticks, black walnut shells and dog poop we are a mess! Part of the problem is that I work 5 days a week and my husband works 6 days a week and we have no days off together. Another problem is that the Boy still doesn't really nap for long enough stretches to get anything done. Yet another problem is that the Boy is in a very adventurous phase - he needs to be watched at all times so a yard full of hazards is not an ideal place to let him run free. And then there are the mosquitoes who love to eat me up - they come out around 3:30 every afternoon until dark so no after work gardening for me. And the sun - even if the Boy did nap on the weekends for a big chunk of the afternoon the sun in the front of my house is so strong that the door knob on the front door will leave a blister on your palm if you touch it with a bare hand between noon and three in the afternoon. Maybe next year . . . .
*Another story for another day.
Photo credit: CHRISJAZ
Friday, June 12, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009
When Words Escape You . . .

Monday, June 8, 2009
Throw Me To the Lions

Friday, March 13, 2009
First Impressions (Day Sixtyone, Paragraph 67)

When I saw this photo, I thought, "That looks like a CLE*." The expressions on everyone's faces are all looks I've seen on faces at CLEs before(from left to right starting with the guy in the plaid shirt):
PLAID SHIRT GUY: I knew I should have brought the New York Times Saturday puzzle instead of the TV Guide puzzle . . . what am I going to do for the next three hours?
BLONDE WOMAN (just behind the guy in the tie): If I put my hand on my chin - like this - and squint my eyes just so and open my mouth as if I am just about to breathlessly say, "Wow, your Honor, that is the most fascinating thing I've ever heard" maybe my Motion for Summary Judgment will be granted on the papers and I won't have to do oral argument next Tuesday morning . . . ."
TIE GUY: I'm going to chuckle at all the appropriate places in this presentation. Everyone needs to be reminded of how clever I am.
ARGYLE-GLASSES GUY: Is my facial hair holding me back professionally?
BLONDE GIRL: This dude is totally trying to see down my shirt. Ewwww. Does my hair look okay?
BEARD GUY: Is that the chick from first year contracts over there? Is it? Dude, I have to poop. God she looks awful.
MR. BIG COLLAR: Oh yeah. You want me girl. You know you do. Stop being coy. I see that look in your eyes. Don't deny it. Everyone can see it.
MS. BANGS: Ugh. I'd rather be at the office. Wow. Too much cleavage, today I guess. Oh well. No one is looking at me anyway.
BLUE SHIRT: Hey! Someone's taking a picture! Why is someone taking a picture at a CLE? Who even brings a camera to a CLE? Where is that waitress with more coffee? Wait, is this my good side?
TAN SUIT: I have to pee but the door is so far away everyone is going to watch me go pee why did I sit so far from the door I have to pee but th edoor is so far away . . .
BLONDE SLEEPER: Must stay awake. Must stay awake. Must stay awake.
And yes, this really is a CLE class. Sometimes the first impression is right on.
*CLE is Continuing Legal Education; most states require that lawyers take a minimum number of credit hours every year or two years to assist in staying current with new developments in the law.
Photo credit: Jesse Michael Nix on Flickr
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I Want To Go To There* (Day Sixty, Paragraph 56)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Doggy, Daddy, Potty (Day Fiftynine, Paragraph 53, 54 & 55)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
(Day Fiftyeight, Paragraph 52)

Am I an art critic? No. Am I an expert in photography? No. Can I take a decent picture? No. Do I know what I like when I see it? Yes. This photo here to the right is pretty interesting once you stop caring what it may or may not depict. The yellow lights reflecting off the water perfectly mirror the boat*, pole*, and white light in the bottom left corner of the shot. So even though the subject matter is not immediately apparent, there is a symmetry about the photo that is visually pleasing. The lights reflecting off the water create a warm, golden palette. Imagine the image in a large gilt frame at the end of a hallway - it would seem like you could keep walking right into the picture until you reached the water's edge. Lovely.
*If you are curious about what is depicted in this photo, maybe a little detective work in the related set of pictures will help reveal what it is. I'm thinking a bamboo oar on a row boat in India. What do you think it is?
Photo credit: Dainis Matisons on Flickr
Monday, March 9, 2009
Hot-cha-cha-cha (Day Fiftyseven, Paragraph 49, 50 & 51)

I was so hot! I was on such a roll! I was doing so well! What a big shot I thought I was! Writing a paragraph everyday is easy - no problem - heck some days I can even write TWO without even trying! Well I guess I am in a bit of a slump seeing as how I am about a week behind in posts. Which makes this a good time to review how this blog is working for me. Also, we are coming up on the two month anniversary (that makes it sound so important, doesn't it - anniversary!) of the beginning of this whole endeavor.
Is it doing what I want it to do? Am I doing what I want to with it? Am I writing everyday? What can I change to make this better? Obviously, if you are out there, dear reader(s) [HI HOLLY!!!!] please comment on these questions as well as any other thoughts you have about this blog.
For me, for right now, I think that I am letting my life get in the way of the objectives of this blog. I do not have the chance to write the way I really want to (well constructed, fully thought out paragraphs with hopefully no spelling or grammar errors) because I like to write at work and I have to, well, work at work so that is something of an impediment to my writing! I think the format works pretty well - ever changing source material with no limits on how that material is handled. I need to figure out how to write more. Maybe I need to suck it up and sit in front of the computer at night even though I sit in front of the computer all day. Or maybe I need to put a time limit on creating a post. And I could designate a certain time of day to pull off the Flickr shot and write. That could be my designated "mental health" time - like a smoke break for my brain. I need to think about this a bit . . .
Regardless, I do not want this blog to become a chore. I want it to be fresh and fun for me and for anyone who is out there reading it [HI AGAIN HOLLY!]. I also do not want it to become like working out - something that I enjoy when it is a regular part of my life but which also causes stress when I need to figure out how to fit it back in. I don't want this brain exercising to fall by the wayside.
Photo credit: ChrisGoldNY on Flickr
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Snap, Crackle, Pop (Day Fiftyone, Paragraphs 47& 48)

There was a "huge" and "crippling" snow storm in my state yesterday. The kind where roads - even major thoroughfares - don't get cleared by the next morning's commute time. The kind where schools are closed for the second day in a row. Pretty serious, right? The snow fall total is under six inches. Pathetic.
Thunderstorms are more par for the course here. And where I live - near the ocean - the storms are dramatic. One side of the street is clear and sunny, but turn to the other side and it looks like night. The lightening lights up the sky like it is day - for just a quick blink-and-you-will-miss-it moment. BOOM. The storms are exciting - you can feel the front come in - one second you are drenched in sweat, struggling to breath in the fetid air and the next you are chilled, breathing in the coolness. BOOM. Electric. BOOM. Rain fills the sky and then the humidity returns . . .
Photo credit: R.P. Piper on Flickr
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Old Girl (Day Fortynine, Paragraphs 44, 45 & 46)

She turned 13 this past Valentine's Day. Her black coat is flecked with white. She has a mask of grey around her eyes. Her fatty tumor sways to and fro like a breast augmentation gone awry. She is underfoot when you don't want her around and absent when you wouldn't mind seeing her. She stops on the stairs for a big morning stretch as I'm racing down to get to work. She sheds like crazy. She has weird lumps all over her body. She smells. She won't let me trim her nails. She does not cuddle. She behaves like a cat - affection and attention are on her terms only. Her aloofness has increased a thousand-fold in the last few years to the point that I barely am permitted to pet her.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Learn Something New Everyday (Day Fortyseven, Paragraphs 42 & 43)

Cool - an engine that looks like a flower! Woohoo - what the heck am I going to write about that. Turns out, though, that the caption to today's photo on Flickr was like a mini-lesson on the engine. I just thought it was cool looking. But it is more than just pretty. It is Innovation and Invention realized.
The engine was designed to be lighter thereby making planes faster. This engine was in the Sopwith F.1 Camel , the plane of everyone's favorite World War One flying ace - SNOOPY! Of course, Snoopy's plane was really his dog house, but no one really cared. Believing in Snoopy's imagined adventures is a much stronger instinct than shooting them down.* Imagination is where Innovation and Invention are born (maybe Necessity is the other parent in that equation?). Do we (that is a collective "we" as humans) do enough to encourage Imagination? I say, "No, we don't." Do we do enough to encourage Innovation and Invention? I say, "No, we don't." Do we stifle our natural inclination to let imaginations soar?* I say, "Yes. Yes, we do." Even if you are too jaded to let your own mind go, open yourself up to someone else's inner Snoopy - let him fly or at the very least, don't try to ground him. You never know what you might learn.
* Pun: optional
Photo credit: cliff1066 on Flickr
Thursday, February 26, 2009
(Day Fortysix, Paragraphs 40 & 41)

I opened the Flickr page and started crying. Most of the nonsense on Flickr makes me roll my eyes, not dab at them madly with a tissue. Both the strength of this image and the surprise of something so moving was a shock. We've all witnessed a scene in a public park where the pigeons are swarming, clucking, flapping, vying for position near the food - so much chaos. This image captures that chaos, yet there is a stillness here too. As if the birds are lined up, waiting their turns. As if they have been invited to join this man for lunch and they know they will get some so long as they are patient. As intent as this man seems in eating his lunch, he doesn't look like he minds sharing. Even if he is sharing with pigeons.
I have never been a big fan of pigeons - regardless of how patient they are. I have become more tolerant of pigeons largely because of Mo Willems. I haven't read all of his books, but he has written about the pigeon going to bed, driving the bus, having feelings, and a whole host of other things - including hot dogs. I do not think, though, that he has answered this question: Do pigeons eat bananas?
Photo credit: pedrosimoes7 on Flickr
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Drained (Day Thirtynine, Paragraph 39)

The Devil Is Among Us (Day Thirtynine, Paragraph 38)

Well, in yesterday's mail, addressed to the Boy was a talking Valentine's card** from his Granny featuring none other than . . . Elmo. We weren't too concerned: the Boy had never been exposed to Elmo before so this "blip" wouldn't have much impact on his delicate psyche, right? Upon seeing the fuzzy red creature and hearing that helium-filled voice the Boy exclaimed, "MELMO!" as if they were old friends. We parents were stunned - stopped dead in our tracks. How had this red devil infused himself into our sweet boy's brain? How could this be? We were so careful.
Getting ready for bed, I decided to do a little test. Maybe the "MELMO" outburst was a fluke - like a little Myna bird mimicking what it hears. I held up a clean diaper which is obnoxiously tattooed with depictions of our furry Satan. "Who is this?" I asked, teeth gritted. "MELMO, MELMO, MELMO, MELMO!" came the enthusiastic response.***
We have officially entered the Eighth Circle of Hell.
*I am not counting licensed character diapers. Sensitive skin has prevented us from using diapers that do NOT depict our nemesis (and his friends) in some form.
** And seriously, U.S. Postal Service - what was the deal with EVERY Valentine card from grandparents arriving at our house POSTAGE DUE.
*** Investigation into the source of this foul affliction is ongoing.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
(Day Thirtyseven, Paragraph 37)

Monday, February 16, 2009
Monkey Boy (Day Thirtysix, Paragraph 36)

The Boy is really becoming a climber of sorts. I fear that soon I will have to make sure that every piece of furniture that has even a remote chance of tipping is anchored to the wall. Not to mention our new ginormous TV. I guess it isn't really as big as big could be but compared to what we had it is huge. The Boy has been climbing the ladder to the slide at the park. He climbs on stacks of pillows to get to onto the couch. He tries to climb up into the corners of the bathtub or over the edge (as an aside, I always wonder where he thinks he will get to by climbing out of the tub - I am right there, the bathroom door is closed, and the whole bathroom is as big as a minute. Maybe it seems like a big adventure when you are under three feet tall. I don't know.) Next will probably climbing out of the crib - I do not look forward to hearing that "thud" for the first time!
Friday, February 13, 2009
"Most of the time is was probably real bad . . . " (Day Thirtythree, Paragraph 35)

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Downs and Ups (Day Thirtytwo, Paragraphs 32 & 34)*

Bodhi is gone. Beautiful Baby M is here! This is not Bodhi in the photo. This is not Beautiful Baby M in the photo. They aren't even connected in life through any means but me.
Bodhi was the canine love of my dear friend, Liz. He was diagnosed with lymphoma and had large and numerous masses in his lungs and abdomen. Within a few hours of the diagnosis, Bodhi asked Liz to let him go. [it was his time and he decisively told me so. I wont go into details but if anyone says you wont know when its time, you will. Believe me and trust your gut you will know and they will tell you and you will not doubt it and through your tears you will urgently say "its now, we have to go now"]** I know it was one of the hardest things she has ever had to do. She wrote a beautiful tribute to her boy [I knew we were in trouble. This wasn[']t "I stole too much butter" not eating. This was serious.]. He was a special, goofy, loving dog [- and when we gave him the shot, I told him to go find Dante (his buddy) and then he threw his head back and howled - and I mean HOWLED like we would always "sing" in the car anywhere we went or in my house- you could aroo and he would sing along..... anytime I "arooo'd" he would start in and even match my pitch . . . I just knew it was my boy saying he was ok. "we always sing together like this" I said, and I wasn't just saying that. I knew he was talking to me. His last breath was his singing. It was Bodhi. There was no other way he would have gone.].
At about the same time on very the same day, my friend Holly's baby was being born. Holly and her husband are in the process of adopting a girl. They have been through so much to arrive at this point (read about their journey here). They are the most resilient, level headed, practical people. As far as I know, they are on the way right now to meet their daughter who the nurses have dubbed "Baby Beautiful" pending the parents' (Holly and her husband are parents!!!!!) final decision about the name.
With a heavy heart, I bid farewell to Bodhi Odhi Oh. With a heart full of joy, I say welcome to the world Baby Beautiful. You both are loved.
* This was not the first photo on the Creative Commons page but today's content required a relevant photo. Also, the dog pictured here is not the same breed as Bodhi but he looks pretty darn close!
** Italicized text are excerpts from Liz's eulogy to Bodhi.
Photo credit: Dan Harrelson on Flickr
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Orange You Glad (Day Thirtyone, Paragraph 31)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Spring (Day Thirty, Paragraph 30)

In the last week Mother Nature has both taken away and given freely. First the Groundhog saw his shadow bringing the promise of six more weeks of winter. The week also brought nasty snow and freezing temperatures that reinforced Puxatawney Phil's prediction making it seem more like a threat than a promise. Then this weekend the sun was shining and temperatures were in the high 50s - walking with the Boy, swinging and sliding at the playground - no jackets required. Winter is far from over though. So was this weekend's weather a cruel tease or a sweet, delicate taste of what is to come in the next few months? Let us be positive today and say that the little glimpse of spring was a joyful reminder of the fun we will have as we leave Old Man Winter behind and welcome the loamy smells of Spring.
Friday, February 6, 2009
HOT Dog! (Day Twentysix, Paragraph 29)

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Tag, I Am It (Day Twentyfive, Paragraph 28)

Here is my 4th in my 4th photo:
This pic, which I pulled off a long-forgotten blog post, was the first place I saw the poster that was the primary inspiration for decorating my son's nursery. I knew I wanted a modern vibe that wasn't babyish but was still child-friendly (and gender neutral since we didn't know the Boy was a boy until he was born). When I saw this poster, I knew I had to have it. The grey and orange were exactly what I was going for, the alphabet is classic nursery, I loved that the things used for the letters were a mix of traditional and odd - "D" is for dog but "A" is for Ant; "E" is for Elephant but "V" is for Village; "X" is for Xylophone but "I" is for Inch worm. The walls of the nursery were painted white with wide horizontal grey stripes; the furniture is plain and mostly white; the bedding is orange & white; I found cool UFO-looking lamps; and I found some cool orange art for the other walls; and interspersed some classic things that my husband and I had had in our rooms as children. The final result was better than I could have hoped for and I love being in that room.
I tag:
Ski Trip (Day Twentyfive, Paragraphs 26 & 27)

Aside from falling, my most vivid memory of my first time skiing is curly fries. My dad took us skiing, my brother and I. The three of us bundled into the car (I feel like it was our orange Beetle but maybe I am just being overly nostalgic? somehow 1983 Nissan Sentra doesn't have the same magic to it and the heat worked well in that car and I remember being cold) on the drive to Hunter Mountain. My dad had been skiing only once in his life and, according to his version of the story (which is corroborated by my mom) he spent the whole trip at the bar in the lodge. My experience skiing that first trip left me with the notion that future ski trips would be spent much the way my dad liked to spend his. I did put on ski boots and skis. I held ski poles. But I could not stay vertical. I fell. And fell. And fell. And fell. My brother skied like an expert right from the get go. My dad waived to us from a bench on the sidelines. When I couldn't take it anymore, we went to the cafeteria and had hot chocolate and the curliest curly fries we had ever seen. They were the kind of fries that look incredible - curlicues galore, golden brown, glistening, steaming - yet taste like cardboard. We ate them anyway because they looked amazing.
Several years later, I tried skiing again on a family trip to Vermont. The conditions were terrible - the instructors and ski patrol people were telling us that it was the coldest winter on record and that even hard core skiers were staying away. Not being one to like failing I gave it a go again. I put on ski boots and skis. I held ski poles. But I could not stay vertical. I fell. And fell. And fell. And fell. My brother skied like an expert right from the get go. My dad wived to us from a bench on the sidelines. When I couldn't take it anymore, we went to the bar and had hot chocolate with Baileys. Who needs curly fries.
Photo credit: Leo-setä on Flickr