All of this doubt that I have been having about what to publish on this blog makes me wonder if I have chosen wisely. Perhaps I should have gotten a little notebook and a nice pen. Or maybe just started keeping a journal in Google Docs. Maybe I should become more focused and make this blog *about* something so that I can focus my attentions on that *thing* instead of focusing on what to write about. I never thought this would be quite as much of a struggle as it feels on many of the days I sit and stare at the monitor. This makes me respect writers that much more. Especially writers who pull topics out of thin air and spin them into woolly stories readers want to wrap themselves in. I suppose that is what I will begin to do now - decide what this blog should be about. I am not enjoying this blog as it is now. Granted it has been only two weeks, but still - I can tell I need to rethink this place of mine. I need to put more out there without feeling too exposed. I need more focus. A better place to start from.
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