Thursday, March 25, 2010

Life is a Dream

Today's photo is another example of why I love the internet. My first thought when I saw this was, "Ooooh. Pretty." Then I thought, "Gee, this looks a bit like the plaza where we hung out in Amsterdam a jillion years ago. How will I ever figure out where this is?" So I looked at the picture in its largest size and I could make out some words on the pedestal of the statute. So a-Googling I go and I find out that Pedro Calderón de la Barca is a famous Spanish playwright whose life and works are feted in Madrid by this statue. Which means (a) this isn't Amsterdam and (b) I get to learn something new. Calderon de la Barca's most famous play is titled Life is a Dream
and it chronicles a story about free will vs. fate. Life as an illusion is an overarching theme (hence the title). Heavy stuff. But for my purposes here today, it is the simple, face value, aw-shucks, gee-whiz, cock-eyed optimist interpretation of the title that I am drawn to: I gave notice at my job today and I start my new job in about two weeks! WOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!! I have felt stuck, trapped, etc. where I am so being able to move along is really a dream come true!

Photo credit: David Boyle on Flickr

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The title of this photo is "Barnies Lieblingsplätzchen" - Barnie(s) presumably being the cat. I never studied German yet I was intrigued by this German (I assumed) word. It means "favorite place" or "favorite spot." I love the way it sounds (at least in my head). It makes me think of the way I imagine the sounds of: the end of the evening collapse on the couch OR finally getting to pick up the knitting during the kids' nap time on the weekend OR finally falling into your beach chair after getting every one settled, umbrellas up, blankets out leave me alone go play by the water OR settling into your seat at the movies with Milk Duds and popcorn after months of DVD-only viewing (hello, old friend - I've missed you so). "LiblingSPLATZCHeeehhhhhhn." What a lovely feeling. None of my little spots are quite like Barnie has here - a soft blanky, sunshine warming the seat, the bolstery arms surrounding him like a big ol' hug. But it isn't all about the accoutrements. Lieblingsplätzchen is more about where your head is at then where you lie your head.

Photo credit: gillyberlin on Flickr

Monday, March 22, 2010

Pipe Dreams

Galapagos Islands. My strongest association with these islands is not Charles Darwin and his Beagle but rather Vonnegut and his novel.

I remember being on a Vonnegut kick when this book came out in paperback and devouring the whole thing in a weekend. I was so entranced by the characters and the evolutionary concepts being put forth. It was over twenty years ago now so the details are fuzzy* but I couldn't get the book out of my head. This is the kind of book that made me dream of going into science. Obviously that didn't happen. But I do still love reading science fiction. Maybe it is time to break out the old Vonnegut paperbacks again. I might understand more than I did back in junior high.**

*Pun optional
**Junior high=middle school of yore

Photo credit: cdorobek

Fish Face

Fish. Okay. I guess, though, it doesn't really matter what the picture is since I need to explain my months-long absence (I love that I write here as if people are actually reading). I guess I was kind of busy at work. And if I wasn't really truly busy, I was trying to seem busy. And I have been pretty miserable at work for quite some time so I think I was feeling that the tone of the blog was a little too bitter for any one's good. There has been some sweet - I was lucky enough to have a gorgeous baby girl in December. The Boy has adapted quite well to his sibling, although he is exhibiting the signs of toddlerhood/terrible two-ness on a regular basis; nothing especially unusual, but probably somewhat exacerbated by having a 3 month old sister getting all up in his world. Anyway, things are feeling a bit more normal these days, so I hope to be writing more again. Still going to use the same formula as before so I (we, dear reader?) will see where Flickr takes us!

Photo credit: b.roveran